Tummy Tuck Eliminates excess fat in the skin, and in most cases, restores weak or discrete muscles, creating a smooth, firmer side of the abdomen.
Women who have had many pregnancies may find it useful to tighten the abdominal muscles and reduce excess skin.
Tummy tuck is also an option for obese men or women who still have excess fatty deposits or loose skin around the abdomen.
Abdominal flabby is one of the problems facing a large percentage of people all over the world, and women suffer more from it due to the nature of life and the circumstances in which they live from pregnancy, childbirth, loss, and weight gain in a random way, which causes unwanted flabs in the abdominal area, buttocks, chest, and for each One of these areas is a way to get rid of the sag that occurs, due to the natural nature of the cells that make up each region, and here we will talk about the sagging abdominal flux and how to get rid of them permanently. Sagging is an increase in the amount of skin formed in the abdomen, and it appears through protrusion and drooping of the area when sitting only.
These are simple and quick cases of disposal, including what appears continuously and in this case the treatment is more difficult and less effective.