our Services
natural hair transplant
Natural Hair Transplant Hair transplantation is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to treat baldness or to treat thinning hair and other problems. The natural hair transplantation technique has many advantages that we will learn about in the coming lines, we will also learn about...
Skin rejuvenation sessions
Skin rejuvenation sessions - for a radiant complexion Skin is one of the most important standards of beauty for women and men, and the presence of any problem in the skin, especially on the face, may cause some people to be embarrassed, and this is...
body sculpting
Body Sculpt Achieving the ideal body is a dream that many people pursue, and with the multiplicity of techniques used in body sculpting, resorting to surgery remains necessary to obtain the most beautiful results, but it should be noted that the use of surgery does...
Blepharoplasty BlepharoplastyBlepharoplasty is a surgical technique aimed at improving the appearance of the eyelids and can be performed on the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both.. If you suffer from functional or cosmetic problems in the eyelids and want to improve the appearance of the...
Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery. It is a surgical procedure on the nose to change its shape or improve its function. It can also treat functional problems such as shortness of breath caused by defects. Structural in the...
Ear enhancement Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure to change the size and shape of the ears, or re-fit them. If your ears do not develop properly, otoplasty may be resorted to, and there are several different types of operations Otoplasty, which we will learn...
Filler injection A filler is a cosmetic procedure that helps restore the skin's youthfulness by injecting some substances such as collagen, and other natural materials that help treat many cosmetic problems on the face and other areas that are treated Filler. In the coming lines...
Derma Roller
Derma Roller Because getting healthy skin with freshness and vitality is a dream that many people seek, and with the emergence of modern cosmetic techniques and their high costs and the inability of most people to perform them, the "Derma Roller" appeared, which is similar...
Dermapen Achieving fresh, vibrant and flawless skin has become the dream that many people, especially women, seek without resorting to applying any cosmetics, because they cause damage and damage the skin.</ p> With the development of cosmetic techniques, the dermapen technique appeared, which is one...
Cometic Threads
Aesthetic threads The problem of wrinkles and sagging skin is one of the problems that cause discomfort to many people, especially women, and these problems may sometimes lead to a loss of self-confidence. Therefore, a new cosmetic technique has emerged, which is the "plastic threads"...
Gynecomastia in men
Gynecomastia Gynecomastia in men is not a serious problem, but it may be difficult for some to cope with and may cause them some embarrassment. Gynecomastia is not a problem specific to a particular age group, as it is a general problem that may be...
Plasma Many people suffer from the inability to face skin and hair problems (such as baldness, hair loss, lines, and wrinkles) and other various problems. Because at Dr. Ahmed Al-Nabi Clinic we are fully aware that skin and hair are among the most important standards...
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck Eliminates excess fat in the skin, and in most cases, restores weak or discrete muscles, creating a smooth, firmer side of the abdomen. Women who have had many pregnancies may find it useful to tighten the abdominal muscles and reduce excess skin. Tummy...
FUE Hair Transplant
Transfers hair from a permanent area to an area where baldness or thinning hair on the scalp is present Hair transplant is a non-invasive cosmetic surgery that is performed to return hair to areas of the scalp that have baldness or that have weak and...
Facial injection
A fillller treatment is a cosmetic dermatological procedure that is used to minimize the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles to restore a youthful look. It is a great treatment option for those who want to eliminate the signs of aging but are not willing...
Derma Roller & Derma Pen
used to stimulate the production of new collagen by means of a skin needle Made up of Microneedling Pen and Microneedling Rollers are forms used to stimulate the production of new collagen by means of a skin needle. Which indicates that the body produces collagen...
Chemical Peeling
For Hyperpigmentation Treatment It is a technique used to treat dyes, pigmentation, brown spots and some deposits on the skin appear darker than the natural shape of the skin and improves the appearance of skin for the face ,neck and hands. This chemical solution is...
Body Liposculpture
The most successful way to change our shape is to remove unwanted fat selectively from specific areas such as thighs or abdomen. Liposuction is the only way to achieve this without producing clear scars. Liposuction removes excess fat from topical fat deposits in areas of...